Effective education must anticipate the needs of learners in our ever-evolving world. To do so requires visionary leaders, inspirational educators and proactive approaches to quality assurance and improvement planning. The aim of Visionary Education consultancy is to look beyond current provision and work with schools, higher education institutions, nurseries, extended services and businesses in achieving a new vision for education.
The world of education is constantly evolving and it is sometimes difficult to predict what the long term future holds but we do know that reflexive teachers, able to critically integrate research, theory and practice, are best prepared for their role as educators, not just for the next three years but for the next thirty years. Visionary education consultants have both the experience and the expertise of working with both experienced and trainee teachers in developing the skills, knowledge and understanding which will equip them for their professional development throughout their career in education.
We work nationally and internationally with all stakeholders and our approach is both personalised and flexible. We know that all schools are different with their own particular strengths, needs, and areas for development. With over twenty years of delivering high quality support and training to teachers, from trainee teacher to senior manager level, support staff, governors and parents, Visionary Education consultants are skilled in working with individuals and institutions to identify how best we may support you in achieving your individual vision.
Keira Sewell
In her career as an initial teacher trainer, Keira has taught on primary and secondary routes at both undergraduate and postgraduate level and on employment-based routes. She has also taught on foundation degrees and undergraduate Education Studies awards. Her work with qualified teachers has been wide-ranging and includes continuing professional development in science, assessment, transition from the primary to secondary phase, the effective management of bully-victim problems, support for newly qualified teachers, coaching and mentoring for school senior leaders and supervision of research students on Masters and doctorate programmes.
Promoting science education
Alongside over twenty-five years of teaching science at secondary, primary and foundation stage, Keira has also been committed to promoting the importance of science education more widely. She was a member of the editorial panel of the primary journal of the Association for Science Education and has been commissioned by companies such as Rolls-Royce, British Nuclear Group, Teachers TV, Cleveland Wildlife Trust and Yorkshire Watch to develop curriculum support materials and work on specific primary science projects.